After the scanning process is fulfilled, the 3D mesh of your feet will be recorded and linked to your FeetSizr ID. Next time you shop online, use your ID on the vendor website to get a size recommendation for the specific style being purchased.

Please, note that this tool does not provide general size suggestions or raw measurements. Instead, FeetSizr is designed to provide a tailored size recommendation on the vendor website —during an actual shoe purchase. In order to offer FeetSizr size recommendation services on its ecommerce, a brand should be enrolled in our vendor program.

Fitting Studies are carried out by our team, gathering extensive data from hundreds of test subjects who tried dozens of shoe styles from specific vendors. Using Machine Learning and Predictive Analysis technologies our proprietary engine is able to accurately produce individualized size recommendations, to match your feet to a particular shoe style. Our self-training AI model automatically learns from new input, which means that predictions will get more accurate over time.


We have partnered with top level brands and shoe manufacturers to gather accurate measurements of hundreds of their shoe styles and shoe lasts.


When you are shopping online, look for the FeetSizr logo during the checkout process. Instead of choosing a shoe size, enter your SizeID


Using your feet data and previous measurements of the vendor shoes and shoe lasts, we are able to determine the best size to match your feet.

Bear in mind that each size recommendation will be specifically tailored for the style you are trying to purchase. Different brand, shoe style or shoe last, might require a different shoe size to match your feet.

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